Sunday, October 25, 2009

8 months!

For Autumn's 8 month photo shoot I brought out my big flash, but my goal was to use it just as a "fill flash" so that it looked like natural light. I loved the result cause it brings an extra "pop" to the eyes, but still left a natural light look. It's the first time I figured out how to do this in daylight, cause I'm normally quite scared of the flash look. I love shooting my favorite subjects, my kiddos!

At 8 months Auty is crawling all over the place. She loves her stuffed lamb, and toys that make music. She can say "dadda" to her daddy, and smiles mostly for her brother. If mom's not in the room she'll look all over for me until I come in :) And she loves finger foods. Her smile is more captivating every day, and we love her to bits!


Liz said...
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Liz said...

OK so I didn't know how to edit the comment I wrote and there was a spelling mistake in it so that's why it's blank as I tried to delete it!! lol I said.....I can't wait to show my mum these pics because she always "ooh's" and "ahh's" at Autumn. She's so pretty Kim!