So I think anyone who knows Clint knows that his favorite drink in the States is IBC Cream Soda in a bottle. In fact, he had the team send out two 6 packs to us, and when we were in LA last year, someone gave him as a gift, 12 bottles of Cream Soda of all the brands they could find. IBC won hands down. Anyways, its a vanilla soda basically, and Clint loves anything vanilla.
This last week it had been a struggle to feed Noah his solids. As soon as I would put the spoon near him he'd turn his head or cry. So I thought maybe I was doing something wrong, like it was too lumpy, or whatever. But someone suggested maybe he doesn't like bland cereal, so to try something with more of a flavor. I had a sample of rice cereal with vanilla, and thought I'd give it a try. After one bite, Noah was leaning towards the bowl, and opening his mouth before I'd even come near it!
He LOVES his vanilla cereal. No more tears, and afterwards I've never seen him that happy! He was wiggling and babbling and laughing all at the same time! It hit me how cool it is that God would create us with different tastes, even from when we are babies.
no way. Clint must have so much vanilla in him that the craving carries over to his gene pool. Don't worry, we'll start storing up on the IBC for next year's stm team....
I have never even seen vanilla rice cereal! I'm glad to hear it works. Georgie is just about ready for solids. Glad to hear what works when plain cereal doesn't :)
haha that is hilarious!! i looked today and they don't have that type of cereal over here. but i bet cael would love it if they did. cael really fought eating too and i even had to cut back on some of his formula for him to eat. sometimes meal time still ends in tears and i bet vanilla cereal would help!!
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