Cause I couldn't choose just a few photos of today, the slideshow:
Thanks to grandma for the Shrek outfit and to Marietjie for the pumpkin one!
Most people know that my favorite season is Autumn. I love the leaves changing, I love the smell of a Pumpkin Spice Latte and hot apple cider, I love Pumpkin Pie and the cool dry Santa Anna winds in LA. Its so strange but that's been one of the hardest adjustments for me in moving to SA. I love seasons, but they are swapped here. So its October, and Spring. I used to decorate my house for the seasons, but try putting up fall stuff when its Easter, and Spring stuff when its Thanksgiving!!! Also, in October no one goes Trick or Treating (I think it'd be to scary here!) or celebrates Thanksgiving, so there are no pumpkin patches etc. etc. So I was so greatful that I found some pumpkins at our local supermarket, and that my avocado tree decided to turn its leaves this week so I could take photos of Noah with them! I know its rather silly, but at least I can enjoy the small things the Lord gives me to remind me of my favorite season. And we are having a reformation bash for Cornerstone on Friday, bringing the tradition once again to SA!