*The Olympics is an amazing display of God's glory. It hit me yesterday when I was sick from baby #2 (all day sickness), and Noah was saying "please" pointing at the TV (usually its entirely soap operas and news, so I always say no) but I turned it on, and and the Olympics were on!! It was so fun. Noah was clapping with the audience and pointing at the athletes. And my favorite event was on.....the Women's Pole Vault. I did Pole Vault in high-school, but only for 1 year, and cleared what most high jumpers do (hee hee)....but hey, it was totally fun. Anyways it was just amazing for me to see God's creation and how gifted these amazing people are from all over the world. Some are doing it for His glory, others for their own pride and accomplishment, but it still puts God on display to see so many different colors and faces performing with the gifts He has given them.
*I realized today that I need to finally break down and get some South African cookbooks. I started missing "home" today when I realized I couldn't make half the recipes in my cookbooks cause I couldn't buy the ingredients in the store. I really love South African food, and realized today that I don't even really know how to cook it!
* Church camp was this last weekend, and Mike Abendroth was our camp speaker. I didn't get to hear many of the sermons cause they were during Noah's naptime...but it was awesome to talk with him since he and Clint went to the same seminary, TMS. He did some "Jet Tours" through books of the Bible, and it was fun hearing an American accent again :) At evening service that evening some missionaries we support, the Henrici's in Mozambique, came to do a presentation on what their ministry was like. It was awesome chatting to Mrs. Henrici since she is an American married to a South African with a girl Noah's age. They've been ministering in hard core missions for 5 years now.
Here's some photos from the camp (thanks to Vicky and Liz)
Mike Abendroth preaching
About half our church came to the camp
Noah made friends with alot of the kids on the camp, and would laugh a ton watching them run around playing soccer.