Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Last Friday night at Cornerstone went really really well. Clint shared his testimony (in depth with the gospel) to the whole group, but the coolest part was that a girl brought 2 guys she met on the beach, who hadn't heard the gospel before. And a guy who was Catholic was there, and if you know anything about Clint's testimony, well, there was no doubt that it was clear the differences between Catholicsm and Christianity (grace by faith!) . And the two visitors, Darren and Ryan said they would come back next week. People were asking questions and totally understanding the gospel, it was great.

Afterwards we introduced Mafia to Cornerstone. They LOVED it. I think we played 10 rounds till about 11pm. There was yelling, and pointing fingers, it was awesome, they totally got into it after the first practice game. In fact, they couldn't stop talking about it. It really made our group connect, cause the 2 guys that usually come that are to "cool" to participate, were totally loving hanging out with everyone, and we went out for coffee the next night and those two guys were totally connecting with all of us, it was awesome. So the Lord uses testimonies, and Mafia, to break down barriers!
So, STM team thats coming, prepare yourselves to share your testimonies, and play ALOT of MAFIA! :)


Anonymous said...

i miss playing mafia!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! I am so happy that your Bible study is really starting to connect. I miss you guys and love you.

Anonymous said...

i'll be ready for testimony
i don't know about mafia, especially right after i share about how i used to be a liar

i'm showing my fundamental dad a tour of your website.
don't worry i'm assuring him that fundamentals smoke cigars in s africa. it's a cultural thing