Hillcrest Baptist Church had our 50th anniversary this past month. Our church had a celebration weekend where the theme verse was Psalm 105:1 "Give thanks to the Lord call upon His name, make His name known amoung the peoples." Our church just built on to add more people, and was completed pretty much hours before the celebration!
Enterance into the church building from our new "lobby"
The feast for afterwards :)
The first pastor Don Hollgate of HBC gave a testimony of how Hillcrest was a little podunk town and they had to get hot water brought in from outside to take a bath 50 years ago. He was a really funny guy.
Mark Williamson, who's family has been in the church for 40 years (and is one of our elders) gave a testimony of God's faithfulness to 3 generations of his family.
Clint preached on the Psalm of thanksgiving I mentioned earlier. And that our new building is an opportunity to give thanks God AND reach the nations like Psalm 105 says.
Our worship was thanksgiving centered...
We've been a part of HBC 5 and a half years now, and Clint and I were chatting about how much the church has developed since our first service only 5 years ago, and how much the church has blessed us.
Noah and Autumn also love HBC and LOVE their Sunday School classes, and often talk about people in the church as if they are family. It's awesome being a part of such an amazing church! :)
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