Friday, September 17, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Every Tuesday and Thurs I take Noah to his 1/2 hour swimming lesson. He's just starting to learn how swim quite properly. He'll jump off, swim for a little, then the teacher will bring him up for a breath, and he'll swim to the other edge of the pool.

Jumping off all by himself
Diving for toys under the water
Practicing "paddle paddle, kick kick!"
My little fish. Could they make swimming gear any MORE unattractive?
While Noah swims it's my "special" alone time with Autumn. I don't get this, well, ever, so its quite special for me. We'll go around looking at all the "purple's" together (that's what she calls flowers that are purple). And she'll pick flowers for me.
She'll give her baby LOTS of loves, and try and get the baby to hold the "purple's fowers" (purple flowers)
Align CenterShe's my super silly girl!

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