Autumn is finally at the age where Noah likes to play some games with her.
Hmm, whats in the cupboard?
I'll give you a hint.
Noah pretends to go to "sleep" or go to the "office with the black compuder" and Autumn must open the door to let him out.
Which she does quite willingly. Its a fun game of "peek-abo" for her!
Mischievous grin.
They "drive" together at the grocery store. This is how I get my grocery shopping done with two little munchkins. They both love it (and the car cart is free, which I love too!)
He played a game with her in the pool where he'd swim around and then say "BIG KISS!" and land one one her. :)
Autumn's favorite game is when Noah climbs up the windows in her room and then pretends to "fall" on the ground. It sends her in hysterical laughter. :)